Monday, October 13, 2008

last saturday.

Assalamualaikum. last last saturday, i "went" to an open house. (i did go kan, raccoon eyes??? ;p) and it was packed. like packedpacked. there was only a few times i saw some tables empty but not for long. but Alhamdulilah it seemed to have went well. n-bun was dancin and we had loads of fun tht night =)

anyway. few days ago i told n-bun she was going to school and that i told her to dress-up for school on her own in hopes that she'll be more enthusaiastic and hopefully she'll look forward to school. and she ended up wearing a pink shirt, long pink pants, with a blue skirt, and a summer hat. ahaha, i dunno what she thinks of school. lol.

anyhoo. school has been much more stable now. yay. like, busy busy jua but at least we werent as lost as we were in the beginning of the semester. thank God for tht. what have i been doing ah? ive been reading more Archie lately, since i have the time, and it helps me focus, for some reason.
oh and ive also been fasting, im trying to do at least six days, since it is still bulan Syawal. just trying to "accumulate points" and trying to impress the One up there.. after all, isnt He who made us?.. mudah-mudahan all our amalan and ibadah diterimaNya. Amin.
my sis has been helpin me out with my stats. shes trying to teach me to "get it" but i just dont"get it", get it? like advanced stats is almost nothin like the stats ive learned duluu when i was younger. well the basic stuffs ada plang but hhmph.
anyhoo. ive a presentation tomorrow. its abt problems encountered in teaching/ learning maths. wish me luck :)
i finally have time to play squash again. after like... what 4 months? boooo. squash de-stresses me. like i feel my stress draining out of me and like last month ive been sickly and asthmatic so yeah. but when youre stable, sports is actually good for your asthma. so im gonna go play at a cousins house nearby ard 3.30. i puasa plang, so shhhh dont tell Mummy =p
btw, i just wana thank all those ppl whos still here for me. who understand my situations despite me being busy hectic. those who cheer me up in the weirdest moments and those who help by just being there. i wish i wasnt this busy with school n whatnot. i hope i'll have more time in the afternoons soon. muxch love.thank you, you you you. and you,. and you jua lah. :)

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