Monday, October 13, 2008

dear daughter.

Dear daughter,
I’m sorry abt how I’ve been so busy with work this semester. I know you’re longing for some fun time together but it seems that work and other duties have taken over much to my despair. By nightfall, watching you sleep and smelling you are the only things I can do. I do wish I could wake u up and play, play, play! But I guess maternal instinct for your health keeps me from doing tht.
I don’t expect a three year old to understand but I wish I had a way to let you know how your love and your dad’s keep me going. Next semester will be better, once I’m used to the transition.
Hold on, n-bun. we're doing this for you. We love you and you are our strength. cant wait for holidayyyyyyy.

Muxch love,

I’m sure most working moms share this with me. Or schooling mom, hehe. We can only do so much but at the end of the day, we gotta stay strong. Honestly, I’ve never had too much of a struggle in UBD before this. But somehow I’m relieved that all of my classmates are struggling too. I guess it’s the semester timing. we already missed three beginning weeks of the semester, due to our articulation from diploma to degree. And that wasn’t even our fault—our offer letter came three weeks late.

And on top of that, assignments were due either towards the end of Ramadhan OR right after the fourth day of Raya. BOOOOO. And I was sick during raya. I went to the hospital for that. Arh emergency lagi tu, I refused the wheelchair, ahaha maluuuu.

It’s okay. Next semester will be better. InsyaAllah. Pray for me, yea? :) Amin.

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